Remote Web Commands
When you build a page and go to it using the Remote in-app browser, you can send commands to your car using javascript or html or any other language that can redirect the browser to a special url.
For example, if you want to honk the horn, you can create a link that links to horn:// instead of http:// and it will honk your car's horn.
For this particular command, it doesn't matter what comes after the "horn://". But some commands do require parameters after it.
To create complex commands, you can create a javascript function that repeats after a certain time or runs during a certain time of the day.
You can also combine several commands into one button. The javascript command for the horn, for example, is simply
window.location = "horn://";
Advanced techniques
Once you have your OAuth token and vehicle ID, you can have your webservers send the commands directly and bypass the app. The documentation on how to do that are found online, but will not be duplicated here. Getting the OAuth token was the hard part in the process, and Remote S will copy it to your clipboard for you on your command to send to yourself and use on your own website. Never expose your OAuth token to anyone else. It is all someone needs to control your car. For this reason, you should only trust websites that you create with these commands. If someone obtained it already, just change your My Tesla password to invalidate that old token.
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