About the Book
"This book is a detailed story about the experiences my parents and I faced while fighting poverty and oppression. And I weaved in all the lessons I learned from those experiences, and how they made me who I am today. I also talk about the current obstacles I face and how they're dealt with.
The purpose of this book is to inspire those who are sick of hearing about how rich families got richer and rather hear about someone, who is not lucky, getting a break by creating opportunities for himself.
Overall, it's a philosophical and anecdotal guide to life that takes you through the major events in my entire life. This is the book I wish I had while I was growing up. It would have helped me avoid a lot of the major pitfalls along the way.
I originally started writing it because I wanted to give my unborn child fatherly advice while also giving him/her our family background. But seeing how useful this book could be to many other people, I decided that I shouldn't selfishly hold onto these untold stories. Instead, I should share my knowledge and reward those willing to learn.
And of course, for the "apptrepreneurs" out there, I share my secrets on how to market an app properly using my 3+ years of app marketing knowledge. This means that I will tell you exactly what I did to get my apps to the top of the charts. I initially had my reservations about revealing my secrets, but ultimately, I decided that it's better to help others than to be greedy and keep the knowledge to myself. If I were a magician, it would be the same as though I were teaching an apprentice the secrets to my magic.
I also talk about how to deal with success/fame, people/scams to avoid, and what it really means to be successful. So it's a blend of a biography, an autobiography, and a how-to guide."
- Allen Wong, author of lifehacked